The FreeAndSingle Blog

How Will You Spend Your Valentine’s Day?

Valentine's Day Survey

What will YOU be getting up to this Valentine’s Day?


Love is in the air, with February the 14th creeping up on the calendar and romance on everyone’s minds. Online dating numbers have surging at FreeAndSingle over the past month, as singletons search for someone who they can share the love with when Valentine’s Day arrives.


To get us all in the mood for the Big Day, we want to get your opinion on this annual phenomenon – it’ll only take a second! Whether you love it or hate it, have your say by answering the questions below.


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Thanks for taking the time to answer our Valentine’s Day survey! Our dating experts will analyse the results to bring you a special February feature, so keep your eyes peeled to see what the rest of the online dating community had to say about February the 14th.


Make sure you never miss a dating blog post, competition or survey by following the @FreeAndSingle Twitter account, or liking us on Facebook!


Photo Credit: Smilla4