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Separation, Divorce or Death: When Do You Remove the Ring?

Taking off your ring is all about timing. Whether your marriage has ended due to divorce or death of a partner, the whole gamut of feelings that you associate with that relationship boil down to the one lasting symbol of marriage.


The ring.


Now, we’ll skip any Lord of the Rings jokes here and move straight in for the real life stuff: No matter how much you knew the relationship was over, 98% of people find that finally taking off their ring really gets that fact home to them.

Others find that removing the ring is their way of signalling to the world at large that they are ready to talk about what happened.’


Often, the removal of the ring can be a calm acceptance of the end of a chapter. Others find that removing the ring allows them to finally let go of the old relationship and the pain of the break up and begin to rejuvenate themselves. Still others find that removing the ring is their way of signalling to the world at large that they are ready to talk about what happened.


Sometimes, once a relationship has ended, a person may keep the ring on. It may be that they are used to the feeling of the physical object being in place and feel disconnected without it. It may be that they don’t feel ready to admit to family and friends that their world is collapsing around them. Sometimes, it helps to see the ring as a symbol of better times, so you can amicably accept the dissolution of your love.


The long-term question, of when should you remove your wedding ring, is of course entirely up to you.


There will probably come a time when you either forget to put it back on after a bath, lose it while you’re on holiday or else just plain decide that today, you don’t want to wear it. If you are not at that point yet though, don’t worry. Removing your ring is just the first step in the rehabilitation of your heart. You cannot be ready for a new relationship until you have allowed yourself time to grieve the past and learn from your mistakes, growing as a person.


see the ring as a symbol of better times, so you can amicably accept the dissolution of your love.’


When you do finally remove it and you do finally feel ready to enter the dating pool again, you want to do so in the knowledge that waiting until you were ready to remove your ring makes you the well-adjusted person you are meant to be.


Ready to find love again.