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Bad Dating Habits You Need to Ditch Now

We’re all guilty of making the occasional blunder when dating. You’re only human, right? But if you constantly fall into the same old trap, you may be jeopardising your chances of being struck by Cupid’s arrow. In fact, some bad dating habits you may not even realise you’re guilty of until you stare them right in the face.


If you’re prone to any of the following habits, it may be time to check yourself into dating rehab, to rethink your approach to online dating:


Heart on your sleeve


There’s something endearing about being open and upfront… within reason. Telling your new love interest your ultimate relationship goals and showing that you’re into them is sexy; laying your cards on the table about your entire relationship history, when you want to get married, and that you’re falling for them after the first date isn’t. Keep an element of mystery until you’re sure they feel the same, or you may risk scaring your date off.


A closed book


On the other hand, if you’re so scared of commitment or getting hurt that you don’t open up to your date, it’s unlikely to go very far. You may be a closed book by nature, but try to let your boundaries down just a little to give your date a glimpse of your personality. Hiding your feelings could give mixed messages, and stand in the way of blossoming romance.


Tall tales


In an effort to secure the attention of your potential match, it’s tempting to exaggerate the truth. Perhaps you’ve chosen a particularly flattering photo, given yourself a promotion, or added an extra room onto your house. But what happens when your partner discovers these ‘facts’ were actually white lies? If you’re serious about meeting someone special, embrace your authentic self.


Drunk dating


A few drinks can give you a spot of Dutch courage, but it’s important not to go overboard when meeting someone new. Whether it’s sending 2am messages to a recent match on your online dating site or going overboard on the first date, nothing makes a bad first impression like a loose tongue and poor judgement. So don’t drink and date to excess.


Time wasting


Online dating makes it easier to meet likeminded people, but not every first date will pan out as you expect. That’s just life. If it doesn’t work out, don’t waste both of your time by agreeing to a second date, just because you don’t want to hurt their feelings. Be honest and you’ll save both sides the hassle of the inevitable.


Ditch these dating bad habits to enjoy your single life to the full, and you’ll have a much better chance of making a lasting connection with someone who really ticks the boxes. Open up (to an extent!), keep a clear head, and be honest with your dates, to make your dating journey memorable for the right reasons.