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Why You Shouldn’t Add Your Date on Social Media

Online dating lets you sift through the tastes, hobbies, waistlines and selfie abilities of anyone that might interest you. It’s a platform charged with excitement – here’s an ocean of singletons looking for fun just like you.

The problem with online romance comes when a blossoming relationship feels the pressure to become ‘official’ on social media. This might even just be a friend request from an impending date eager to see more about you, but it’s far preferable to keep this off the cards until you’ve spent time getting to know each other. Read on to explore why social media can hurt a relationship before it’s even begun:

Information overload

People can be forgiven for accentuating their looks, hobbies and beliefs on a dating profile, but a social media account littered with them can be a big turn-off. Likewise, genuine interests like surfing or playing an instrument will seem passé if they are all you post about. Holding back the limits of your passion will make it appear all the more special once your date discovers it for themselves.

In the public eye

It’s fun to swap and share dating stories with your mates, providing the entire world doesn’t get an eye-full of you and your beau on a moonlit street. The distancing aspect of social media means people tend to comment on things that matter personally to you without a second’s thought for the harm it may cause. A cheeky jibe by a friend, for instance, can become a full-blown disaster if your date takes it the wrong way.

We all have bad photos

Chilled snap of you lounging on a hammock in Thailand = point scored with a potential match. Sloppy kebab face at five in the morning, mayo flecking your cheeks = complete no-no. We can’t control every side of ourselves, so keeping your embarrassing moments for people who really don’t care is a solid safeguard against singledom.

Suspicious minds

The beginning of a relationship can be fraught with anxiety and trust issues: is the person you’re falling for being serious or spurious with their feelings? It’ll be down to you to gauge what’s what, but we can deduce that casual photos with a friend or a stranger can have unintended consequences for someone looking at you through the social media lens.

The lay of the dating land does not permit fools lightly. Think about it – if you’re spending time crafting a great profile, specifically to meet people like you, then why should anyone ask for more? Social media, while it has a lot of benefits, threatens our ability to take things as they come; leaving some mystery for the both of you will do wonders for your conversation and your desire to unpick someone’s innermost spirit.

Since waiting is the hardest part, join FreeAndSingle today to make a splash on the dating scene!