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5 Festive Date Ideas

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and one of the most popular months for online dating! December is a great time to plan a date, with so many activities to choose from in even the smallest towns and villages. Festive dates have the potential to be effortlessly romantic, and love certainly is in the air as the mince pies and mulled wine flow!


Here at FreeAndSingle, we’re feeling pretty festive, so we thought we’d share a few fun Christmas date ideas to get you in the mood…


Hit the snow


Nothing gets you in the Christmas spirit like a day spent in the snow. But if you can’t afford a ski trip or you’re living down under, you may grow old waiting to recreate the All I Want for Christmas music video. In absence of a winter wonderland, head to your local ice rink or snow dome for unbeatable fun rolling around in the white stuff. It’s a good excuse to cuddle up and get cosy after too!


Pub lunch and walk


If you prefer your dates to be a little more relaxed, why not don your walking boots and wrap up warm for a wintery walk that ends at a pub? Christmas is a great time for daytime dates when you have a little more time on your hands, so escape your town or city for some alone time getting to know one another.


Christmas shopping


However, we all know that there’s no rest during the festive season. When you’re not wrapping up things at work, you’re finding presents to wrap and stocking up on Christmas essentials. But rather than traipsing around town alone, suggest it as a date idea with your partner.


This will only work if they need to go Christmas shopping too, but you could share some valuable insights from the opposite sex as to what to buy your brother, sister, Mum or niece! Plan a treat at the end such as a meal or drinks to keep the motivation high.


Get crafty


Feel comfortable moving beyond neutral territory now? Why not invite your new love interest round for an afternoon or evening getting creative? Devote foodies will adore making mulled wine and mince pies, whilst craft-loving singles could compile resources to make homemade wreaths, gifts and cards. Working together is a great way to bond, and is a fun way to tick things off your Christmas to-do list!


With just a few weeks until the end of the year, now is the perfect time to take the plunge and invite the apple of your eye out on a date. These are just a few festive date ideas to help you whisk your new partner off their feet! Still searching for someone to kiss under the mistletoe? Spruce up your online dating profile and join the fun at FreeAndSingle today.


Photo credit: Will Folsom