The FreeAndSingle Blog

5 Fun Date Ideas for Autumn

Autumn Date Ideas

Call it autumn or fall, tis the season of change as the leaves turn alight with colour and the nights begin to draw in. After a summer full of opportunity for days out and time spent in the sun, it can seem like your options have narrowed for date inspiration at this time of year. However with the new season comes a whole load of fun date ideas for autumn, which can make this period as romantic as any other.


1. Visit a Pumpkin Patch

Tons of celebrities have been taking to the country this month to get down and dirty. And by that we mean picking pumpkins of course! Instead of getting dressed up for a meal, choose this unique date idea to get to know them better, and if it’s going well you can go and carve them together! If it’s a good enough date for Harry Styles, it’s good enough for us.


2. Horror Movie Night

On first dates it’s always a good idea to meet on neutral territory, but if you’ve already met a few times and want to get closer, then Halloween is a great opportunity. Invite him or her round for a takeaway and horror movie marathon. A fun and informal date idea, the scary scenes are bound to have you cuddling on the sofa, if only out of fear!


3. Bonfire Night

For anyone online dating in the UK, have a bonfire night to remember this 5th of November by inviting your date to a firework display. Wrapping up warm as you watch the sky light up with colour is effortlessly romantic. Topped off with sparklers and a flask of hot chocolate (or wine?), this can be a truly magical date. Not from the UK? Make your own bonfire instead!


4. Guzzle Good Drink


If you don’t want to go on yet another dinner date, why not place the focus on drink instead? Organise a tour of a local vineyard or brewery, or for a fun day out try an ‘ale trail’ experience. A few drinks are sure to loosen up the tension you might have on a first date, and it offers a refreshing change to stuffy restaurants that can easily be forgotten.


5. Scenic Route


So long as it isn’t raining, the rich colours and cooler climate of autumn can make a walk through the woods or countryside a great way to spend an afternoon. Pack a picnic and choose a route with plenty of nice sights along the way, such as waterfalls or vantage points, and you’ll both feel happy to keep the pace slow and relaxing to stretch out the afternoon.


Seize the season and get to know that someone special with one of these fun autumn dates. Whether it’s the all-important first encounter or things are starting to get serious, you’re sure to be able to try at least one of these. And be sure to let us know how you get on!


Photo Credit: Brian Wolfe