The FreeAndSingle Blog

Dating Success Stories: We Want Your Say!

Love is a landscape of continuous change. Things can surprise us out of the blue, dash our conceptions to pieces, and upheave our sense of what’s right and proper for the relationship we want. At FreeAndSingle, we’re always keeping our ears open for people who’ve been surprised by online dating – those who have fallen into something incredible, pursuing it with a heedless determination that reminds us how all-conquering a kiss and a squeezed hand can be.

One of our recent post-singletons has gotten in touch to share his dating experiences. Barry from Bradford wrote in to us – yes, wrote in, on actual lined paper! – to gush about his latest match. “I now feel it is the right time to move on with my new partner, who is the love of my life”, he says, before thanking us for our help in getting him to this effervescent discovery.

Well, Barry, we couldn’t be happier for you, and your letter inspired us to reach out to the FreeAndSingle crowd at large for any more delicious dating escapades. We want to hear from you because, chiefly, it inspires us, and thousands of daters across the world, to keep on searching for the real deal. And hey: it might even be a gesture that your partner will appreciate, seeing as a worthy couple should tell us their secret, right?

Words from the heart

We know that a lot of you have written to us in the past about what’s made your dates so special, but we want to kick-start our dating success stories again. Whether they go into a fair amount of detail (as one of our favourite reports from Clare and Frank did) or merely dip a toe into your escapades, there’s no amount of feedback that we don’t encourage and appreciate.

Just send us a message, along with a photo of the two of you if possible, and we’ll upload your tale of seduction for all to see. Be as descriptive as you like; the Romantics were poets for a reason! If you can find an apt metaphor for hitting the reload button on your inbox, that’s even better; we want to learn about the anticipation you went through before finally meeting up, and how things progressed.

A gift to yourselves

In the past, newspapers would print all sorts of love-ridden mush from the public, most (if not all) of it pertaining to marriage proposals and engagements. Now that the 21st century is carving its own path for how people find solace together, you can think of our request as a throwback to the old days, when declaring love to a large audience was a rarity.

So, what are you waiting for? Show your new beau how much you value them, and motivate other daters to aim their shots at online glory. All you have to do is fill out our contact form, putting ‘success story’ in the subject line, along with both of your names. C’mon: let’s share the happiness we all deserve!