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Why Festivals Are The Ticket To Dating Success

Festival season is upon us, and it’s scintillating to think of the romance that may intrude on your outdoor adventures this summer. Where else, after all, will you find so many people in one place, with the same interests as you, celebrating their cultural interests?

You probably make festival plans with your friends, but have you considered bringing your date along for the ride? If not, we think you’re missing a golden opportunity to have a great time and see the best side of your partner, so let’s take a look at what different types of festivals could do for your love life…

Music To Your Ears

The biggest festivals are those dedicated to great music, so it’s no surprise that people flock year after year to events that are all about dancing, roaring, and shaking off the shackles of routine. Use your imagination and you’ll find all these are awesome ingredients for a date, providing you’re into the same music.

You’ll be stimulated constantly by the bands or artists on the bill, which can make for some tactful excuses for a kiss when the time is right, or even ‘letting’ your date mount your shoulders to see over the heads of the crowd.

The Language of Love

For something a little more low key but equally enchanting, look out for a poetry festival and someone to accompany you. Literary omnivores are a rare breed as it is, so choosing someone to chaperone you to this event will be like having a surgeon by your side, cutting to the very core of your passion.

You can take turns reading to each other, trying out new words and showing off your literary prowess. At the very least, you’ll have plenty to talk about when the first chapter of your romance ends without a question mark.

Toasting the Future

What better way to speed the ‘getting to know you’ shtick along than touring a drinks festival together? Ideal for seeing someone for the second or third time (before things get serious enough to warrant weekend travel plans), a local shindig dedicated to cider, wine or craft ale is a quality dating spot. There’ll be something for both of you to have an opinion on, and you can show off your burgeoning knowledge of Scottish brewing techniques whilst clearing a picnic table for a long, night-time chat in the moonlight.

Festivals can cater to any taste and location, and it’s not all about mud, tents and music. Inviting your date to a festival could be a lot to ask, but if they want to share your joy for an extended period amongst a throng of strangers, chances are they’ll be sticking around for the long haul, and hopefully making every day with you an event in itself.

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