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How to Date on a Budget

Dating on a Budget

 Having a tight budget can be a real obstacle to meeting that special someone when you’re on the dating scene. From setting up a date in the first place to finding affordable things to do with your partner when you do meet them, money can be a real issue to matchmaking. However it really needn’t be the end of the world, and FreeAndSingle is here to help you get around your lack of cash, with ideas that will still make you look flash.


Free and Cheap Things to Do


Every town, country and city in the world is bursting full of activities that don’t cost the earth. Whether you live near the beach or in a city full of free things to do, you can easily think of some unique date ideas that will be budget friendly. They’re also likely to be a lot more interesting than a standard meal at a restaurant or trip to the cinema. Get online to websites such as Tripadvisor and local city websites to do your research, and you’re bound to save money. Seek out discount voucher websites that will allow you to do the things you love, for less (just don’t tell your date that you got a deal!).



DIY Special Treats


You don’t need to spend a fortune to make romantic gestures and have special occasions. Instead of going out for an expensive meal or cocktails, why not get creative in the kitchen and whip something together yourself? Even if you’re not a great chef, you can easily find posh recipes and ready meals these days, and there’s something special about a takeaway, bottle of wine, and a film right? If you can’t afford a big bouquet of flowers, head to the countryside and pick some wild flowers, and the fact that you made the effort will be a romantic gesture in itself.


Free Online Dating


Meeting new people can be difficult if you don’t have any money. When the bank balance pinches, you end up going out less, socialising less, and having fewer opportunities to bump into Mr or Mrs Right. However that’s where the joy of the internet comes in. Free dating online with allows you to turn those boring evenings and weekends into flirty conversations as you browse for the perfect match online. At least then when you do get round to having a first date, you’ll have more money to spend on it!


Whether you’re looking to get back on the dating scene or you need some ideas to arrange the perfect first date for less, hopefully this should have given you some hints and advice on how to date on a budget. So don’t let your lack of money get in the way of love, fun and friendship. Get creative with your take on romance and you might even find that you have more success than spending a fortune in a restaurant would have in the first place!


Photo Credit: NoHoDamon