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How to Spot a Player Online

How to Spot a Player

Nobody likes a player, especially when you are the one being played. But spotting the telltale signs that he or she is in it for all the wrong reasons can be a lot more difficult online. Free online dating is a fantastic way to meet local singles and get back on the dating scene, but if you’re logging on to find love then you need to learn how to spot a player online straight away. We’ve got some tips to help you do just that.


What is a Player?


Internet dating brings thousands of people from different backgrounds together to find singles who match their profile in the area, though of course not everyone is looking for love and marriage. There’s nothing stopping people joining online dating sites for casual encounters, however if you’re looking to find a partner then these people can leave you hurt and rejected. Many people associate players with men, however there are a growing number of women who fall into this category, using their internet dating membership to ‘hook up’ online. Especially for those who are new to online dating, you can easily fall victim to players. But there are some classic signs to help you spot them:


3 Telltale Signs He or She is a Player


1. Generalised/Overboard Compliments


If you’re getting a lot of physical comments on your appearance or he/she seems to be very forward about meeting up and how you could be the one, tread carefully. Showing an interest purely in your looks suggests they have one thing on their mind, whilst players could easily be using the same line about how they’ve fallen for you to every other person they contact online too.


2. Lack of Genuine Interest


Think about how you would talk to someone who you really liked and wanted to get to know. You’d probably ask them questions about their life, show an interest in their stories, and reign in blabbering about yourself. If he or she doesn’t really seem focused on getting to know you better, it could be a warning sign.


3. Dating On Their Terms


If you’re getting mixed messages and it seems that he or she only wants to talk or meet up when they are the one setting the terms, this can set alarm bells ringing. Do they always seem to be busy whenever you want to make a plan? Why did they contact you first if every time you try to chat they don’t answer? If a player is juggling many men or women at the same time, you’ll soon spot that they only want to know you when it suits them.


Of course, not every case is clear cut; some people can seem to be totally into you, but suddenly change their mind. Let’s face it, we’ve all lost interest in a date at least once in our lives. However looking out for these 3 telltale signs will help you avoid the time wasters and find someone who is in it for the right reasons instead.


Photo Credit: Rachel.Adams