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What to Wear for a First Date: Men vs Women

What to Wear on a First Date

When the big day of the first date arrives, you’ll no doubt spend hours delving into the depths of your wardrobe trying to find the perfect outfit. Some of you might even going shopping for the occasion. Whether you want to flatter your curves, look sexy and smooth, or keep it respectable, it’s important to remember that first impressions count on that initial encounter. So here’s a short guide to dressing for a first date to strike the balance just right.




That little black dress or low-cut red top might be the perfect outfit for when you go clubbing with the girls, but you’re not out on the pull tonight. Well, you are, but with a different goal. Of course you want to look smoking hot for that special guy, but try to tone it done a little. If you’re struggling to think what makes the cut, imagine you’re 18 again and heading out of the house. Would mum send you back to your room to get changed? Avoid anything too revealing or suggestive – leave more to their imagination!


Skirts and dresses are incredibly feminine, and are often much more flattering for the figure than trousers or jeans. However it’s important to wear something you feel comfortable in, so if you’re not a fan of heels, for example, don’t feel you have to wear them. A few colours can brighten up your outfit, even if it’s just a scarf or a cardigan, but avoid red if you don’t want to show a flag to a bull.




For men, knowing what to wear on a first date can be a difficult one. Without the frills and details of jewellery, make up, scarves and other accessories that girls have at their disposal, how do you scrub up to impress your date? Unless you’re taking her to somewhere that demands formal wear, don’t don the suit. She’ll either think that you’ve come straight from work or that you are wayyyyy too keen for her liking. But if you rock up in jeans, trainers and a t-shirt she’ll think that you haven’t given it a second thought. Tricky one, eh?


A shirt and jeans is a classic combination of clothing for a first date, toeing the line between smart and casual to show that you’ve made an effort but without going overboard. If you’re going a restaurant, team with a classy pair of shoes and don’t forget to shine them first. And make sure you smell, look and feel great – no hangovers please, it will show!


Follow these simple rules when getting ready for your first date and you’ll pass this key stage when being weighed up by the person sat opposite you. We can’t promise the rest of the date will go well, but at least you’ll look the part! And when you dress for success, you’ll feel confident to give wowing him or her your best shot.


Photo Credit: Peddhapati