Happy New Year!

Here at Free and Single our mission is to help you find someone you share chemistry with to kiss when that clock strikes 12 tonight.


We hope we managed it this year – but fear not! 2014 is looking good!


Here are some dating tips to start putting into practice in 2014;

  • Smile at everyone you meet – those first few seconds determine how new people feel about you!
  • Ditch the weather as a fall-back talk topic and practice a few natty phrases that will help get the conversation rolling in those awkward silence moments.
  • Get a new year overhaul and spend some time making yourself feel fabulous, whether that involves a new hair cut, a new outfit you can rely on for spontaneous dates or some time at the gym so last minute body image issues don’t rear up to spoil your day.
  • Re-write your dating profile! If you’ve been dating through Free and Single for a little bit, don’t let your introduction get stale – keep it updated and keep your profile picture current.
In the meantime though, what are you doing inside reading this? Get out there, into the world and celebrate the turning of another year. Meet some people, smile at everyone and be open to the possibilities a new year brings.

Happy New Year!