Dating Advice

Casual Dating

Not everyone is looking to find their soul mate or future spouse when they join the dating scene. If you want to sign up to free online dating for a more casual and relaxed experience, then that’s totally cool. But to make sure that you don’t send mixed messages, or hurt anyone along the way, FreeAndSingle has some casual dating advice to ensure that go the right way about it. So you can enjoy no strings attached encounters, and ensure there really are no strings attached.


Be Open and Honest


You might be completely bowled over by a good-looking man or woman who you find online, but don’t con them to get what you want. If their profile indicates that they are looking for something serious, steer clear or you could risk not only hurting their feelings, but getting into commitments that you don’t want.

As soon as you start talking with someone you meet online, make it clear that you are looking for a casual encounter. This doesn’t need to be in your opening message, but make it clear as soon as seems appropriate – certainly before the first date. If they’re not interested, then accept this and move on. Don’t force the matter.


Keep it Light-hearted

It can be all too easy to slip into commitment if you’re dating casually, so when you start online dating keep your communication with potential hook ups light-hearted and amenable. Try to avoid heavy and serious topics that will get you both too emotionally involved, as it can be much more difficult to cut ties with someone when you start to know them well.


Nice and Easy

Just because you’re looking for something casual doesn’t mean that you can’t be nice about it. Try not to make your messages overly sleazy or crude – being a gentleman (or perfect woman!) over the issue is much more likely to get you success in the first place. Allow the process to be a two-way communication, in arrangements and wishes from the experience. And who knows, you could have an unforgettable encounter with someone amazing!


If you don’t plan on seeing them again and you’ve made it clear that this will be the case, it can still be a nice gesture to leave them a message telling them what a good time you had. That way there will be no hard feelings and perhaps if ever you fancied meeting up again, they would likely be more than willing to give you another shot! A short and sweet message the next day isn’t commitment, it’s just plain polite.


No strings attached dating might be fun, but in order to make the most of it you need to follow a few simple rules. Try to be sensitive to the fact that many online daters are looking for more than a fling, and be open and honest to avoid getting bogged down in a relationship you don’t want. By doing so, you can have unlimited fun without breaking any hearts along the way.


Photo Credit: Micah Camara

Mature Dating

Online dating attracts people of all ages, backgrounds and interests who are looking to find love, or at least have a bit of fun. As such, you’re never too old to give free dating online a go, and in fact being a mature dater could make the experience all the more exciting.

Divorced Dating

Every relationship ends differently, and getting back on the dating scene after divorce can be a challenge for several reasons. Not only will you inevitably still be fragile (even if you think you might be totally over it!) from your previous relationship, but the dating world will have changed dramatically since your last first date. Many of you, for example, will have never given online dating a go before! But by taking is easy and gradually building up your confidence, you’ll discover how much exciting being single can be as you make the most of free dating on your own terms.


Make Yourself Irresistible

Divorce can really take it out of you, and as you close that chapter of your life it’s a good opportunity to assess your current situations and goals. Maybe you want to have a bit of a makeover, get into shape, take up a new interest or simply focus on having fun. Whatever the case, making sure that you’re happy in yourself before putting yourself back on the scene for everyone else to see, will ensure that you have confidence and the best shot at success.


Join New Circles

When you’re in a long-term relationship, you inevitably get caught in the same tight circles that can make divorce especially difficult for friendship groups and moving on. So when you’re looking to get back on the dating scene, steer clear of familiar faces and make an effort to meet new people. Join a new club, class or gym, or get on the internet and dip your toe into the world of free online dating with, to meet local singles who will spice up your evenings and weekends.


Only Fools Rush In

Being single can be an exciting time to focus on yourself for once and enjoy the advantages of not being tied down. Dating doesn’t necessarily have to be a hunt for the next husband or wife, and especially as you get older it’s totally okay to enjoy a bit of no strings attached fun. So don’t rush into anything and put the emphasis on having fun rather than meeting the perfect match, and you’re bound to have a much better experience of being single. Make the most of flirting and being free as a bird, choose exciting plans for first dates, and hold off committing to someone unless you’re sure that you’re ready to go back down the relationship line.


Getting back on the dating scene after divorce can be a daunting prospect. It might have been decades since your last first date, or certainly a few years at the very least. But if you take it slow and put the focus on having fun and experiencing the joys of singledom, you’ll soon see why dating is a great way to bounce back from your relationship and move forward as a stronger, happier and more exciting you for the future.


Photo Credit: Nina Helmer